Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)*
Email Address*
House Number*
Post Code*
*I hereby declare I give full consent to FrankMattSianJagodaMadiJinx
*Of Clarity 11 to tattoo my... ArmLegChestRibsStomachBackHandFingerNeckOther
Haemophilia?* NoYes
Haemorrhaging / bruise easily?* NoYes
HIV / HEP A B C D etc?* NoYes
High blood pressure?* NoYes
Diabetes?* NoYes
Reaction to skin care products/moisturisers/soap/creams?* NoYesOther
Slept well in the last 24 hours?* NoYes
Are you pregnant?* NoYes
Have you taken any blood thinning medication?* NoYes
Are you prone to fainting or dizziness?* NoYes
Have you taken any drugs or consumed alcohol in the past 24 hours?* NoYes
I have read and agreed to the terms of service